Are you dissatisfied with your spiritual life, the quality or quantity of it? Being dissatisfied or concerned over the quality won’t change your situation. A change requires change. The definition of stupid is doing the same thing you have always done and expecting a different result.
“Therefore if any man is (engrafted in Christ the Messiah he is a new creation, a new
creature altogether; the old previous moral and spiritual condition has passed away.
Behold the fresh and new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
An article in London Free Press quoted a business owner;” You have to work on your business every day because if you don’t it will die”. That’s a hard statement to hear but a very true one! First of all you must be convinced that you want to improve your spiritual
life. Then you must be convinced and determined to look at what needs changing and how you hope to accomplish the change.
“Never lag in zeal and in earnest endeavour; be aglow and burning with the Spirit, serving
the Lord. If your life is cluttered both naturally and spiritually because of a lack of organization
how can you be pleasing to the Lord, how can you accomplish what the Lord has for you?
Romans 12:11
“Blessed, happy, to be envied is the man who is patient under trial and stands up under
temptation, for when he has stood the test and been approved, he will receive the crown,
the victor’s crown of life which God has promised to those who love Him”
James 1:12
Something that is organized has order in it. The word order, as a verb of action, has synonyms such as: sort, organize, regulate, classify, categorize, array, tidy, and sort out. Order, as a noun, shows us the result: stability, calm, peacefulness, tranquility, orderliness,
Order, as a noun, shows us the result: stability, calm, peacefulness, tranquility, orderliness, neatness, tidiness. Research has shown that having a neat and tidy bedroom is more conducive to sleeping than a sloppy and messy room. As a noun order also means association, to class, grouping all the things we need to do to de-clutter and get organized. The opposite is to live in disorder, disharmony, disarray and chaos.
Organizing and spirituality? What does one have to do with the other? Absolutely everything! My dad used to say, “Will it matter 100 years from now?” A strong spiritual life will. Clutter only weighs you down. So de-clutter your live from things that don’t really matter so you have time to do the things that really count; such as church attendance, working in your local church, prayer, witnessing, studying and meditating on the Word of
God. I know you can do it!
Lord, please help me to get my life organized and in order. Show me how to unclutter my home and my life so that I might better serve you and grow stronger in my zeal for things of the spirit. Thank Lord in advance for helping me to make these changes in my life. I want my life to be pleasing to You.